We can be your USP

USP is a dynamic, results-driven, organization confident in its ability to add value to collaborative partners. Our specialist training and employability services ensure we make quantifiable, day-to-day differences to bottom-line figures. Every day we challenge stereotypes and presumptions enabling us to assist businesses in their growth plans whilst developing individuals in their desire to become the best they can be. We’re solutions driven with the ability to ‘join the dots’ in what is often seen as a myriad of confusion. Our ability to unpick funding solutions that are often seen as complex and unachievable has provided tangible gains for our employer partners.

More than ever, we need to come together to share our skills and knowledge to optimise opportunities. USP are committed to providing world class training and staff development, via a fully managed consultative approach allowing employers derive bottom-line value from developing the skills of their workforce.

We collaborate with clients to provide innovative and evidence-based solutions that empower individuals and communities and foster sustainable development.

Together we have a set of common priorities which are essential in our ever-changing world

Government funding initiatives often seem out of reach or labour intensive to access and the benefits to your business are missed.

Our approach is quite simple, we’ll advise on eligibility and join the dots to enable you and your workforce to maximize the potential that could make all the difference. From the Liverpool City Region’s Skills Bootcamp programmes through to national and regional growth.

While growth is necessary for the creation of jobs and the expansion of businesses, sustainability is crucial to ensure the preservation of natural resources and the environment for future generations. Achieving both goals requires a careful balance between economic development and responsible resource management.

Addressing skills gaps is essential for promoting economic growth and reducing unemployment rates. Capacity building, on the other hand, is the process of developing the knowledge, skills, and abilities of individuals or groups to enable them to perform at a higher level.

One approach to profit optimization is to focus on operational efficiency by streamlining processes, reducing waste, and improving productivity. Another strategy is to develop innovative products or services that meet the needs of customers while generating higher profit margins.

Productivity increase is a key goal for organizations seeking to enhance their efficiency and competitiveness. Improving productivity involves finding ways to increase output while using fewer resources or maintaining the same level of output with less effort or time.

By combining agility and innovation, organizations can stay ahead of the curve and thrive in today’s dynamic marketplace. This involves fostering a culture of continuous improvement and learning, embracing change, and investing in new technologies and talent that can drive innovation and agility.

Measuring impact involves defining clear metrics and indicators, collecting data, and analyzing results to determine the effectiveness of a given approach. This information can be used to refine strategies, make data-driven decisions, and demonstrate the value of an initiative to stakeholders.

By prioritizing flexible and responsive stakeholder management, organizations can enhance their reputation, improve decision-making, and achieve sustainable long-term success.

In Partnership with

In 2020 as part of the Government’s response to the Pandemic, USP joined forces with Jayne Moore Media to create a unique social value driven venture, ‘I am Moore’ Working with business leaders across the city region, IAM created over 300 job opportunities for young people and successfully place 237 young adults into work.

Unique & Special Projects with a history of leadership and learning development experience, coupled with the first-class marketing expertise of Jayne Moore Media ensured the IAM brand quickly gained recognition. A unique approach to a significant unemployment problem produced tangible results in a very short timeframe and was recognised by the Greater Merseyside Job Centre network and the Director General of DWP at the time, J.P. Marks. Understanding often complex funding landscapes is a strength within USP. Each project is unique and developing and deploying a quality focussed, values driven routeway to success ensures that the needs of the business, the individual and the funders are met in an innovative and impact-rich way.

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